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حساب السعر
السعر يشمل المساحة الكلية للباركيه + النعلات + الفواصل وهي قيمة تقريبية
Injaz provides high-quality panels
in a wide range of colors and patterns.
Water-resistant, easy to clean, lightweight
We offer different types of patterns such as wood, stone, fabric
Wall Panel boards size: 290*120cm, 5mm Thickness
Riyadh: 0556648773 – 0568999556
Dammam: 0552667730
Qassim: 0559411811
Khamis Mushait: 0552215219
Shipping service is available to all regions of Saudi Arabia
Injaz Flooring Company provides installation and execution services
of high quality and excellent service by the best-specialized technicians
with a product warranty.